
Saturday, June 30, 2012

[Deco 101] The Principle of Balance-Type of Balance

In this posting and upcoming 2 postings, I will examine the principles of interior design-
balance, proportion, scale, emphasis, and unity.
These principles are guidelines help you create satisfying living environments and
fast rules to be followed in every decorating job.
Let’s begin with the principle of balance.
Formal Balance
In formal balance, a centreline divides an area into two matching parts.
One half is the mirror image of the other.
The centreline is the balance point,or called pivot point, for the arrangement.
Example of formal balance below.
As formal balance is the mirror image of the other and highly symmetrical.
In fact, formal balance is sometimes called symmetrical balance.
This shows another example of formal balance.

Informal Balance
While in formal balance, equal objects are placed at equal distances from a centreline.
With informal balance, or asymmetrical balance,
unequal objects are placed at unequal distances form a centreline.
However, since they’re place at unequal distances from the centreline, balance is still maintained.

Radial Balance
Radial balance is a circular balance in which the objects are balanced around a central pivot point.
This type of balance is frequently round in a dining room setting.
The centre of the dining table, which can be either square or round, forms the centre of balance.
Although radial balance is used most frequently in dining area, it’s sometimes used in a large room
to add variety to the furniture arrangements. Radial balance is also sometimes used on a paito,
where chairs are grouped around a small. light, round table.

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